Furniture Village
Illustration, Presentation Design

Working with Kelly Field of Church Street Media and illustrator Nick Sellers, Tinstar designed and created an in-house presentation for Furniture Village.

The purpose of the presentation was to educate staff about the history and mission of the business in a colourful, playful and informative presentation.

The main graphical feature used repeatedly throughout the presentation is the yellow Furniture Village circle taken from the i of Village. This is used in the branding to convey multiple meanings and is repeated throughout the illustrations.

The illustrations that were created by Nick Sellers emulated an established style used by the business and depicted everything from early stores to the mission statement. Tinstar took these illustrations and designed slides that integrated them into the flow of the presentation using Prezi, an online presentation tool.

Prezi was selected because it can be run either online or using a standalone player – and a Powerpoint version can also be made for emergencies.

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