Dutton Gregory Solicitors
Leaflet Design

I first met Robert Bolwell of Dutton Gregory Solicitors in a surprisingly crowded networking breakfast meeting at 6.30am one freezing Tuesday morning at the Balmer Lawn Hotel in Brockenhurst.

Robert (Senior Partner of Dutton Gregory) heads up the Landlord & Tenant department – and specialises in dealing with problem tenants.

After working with The Property Franchise Group’s subsidiaries, Tinstar was well versed in the landlord and tenant business – and therefore well placed to work on concepts for marketing material for DG, two of which are shown below.

The concept development, photography and design of the ‘jellybean’ leaflet was all undertaken in-house. Dutton Gregory wanted to send a mailshot with a difference to prospective clients. This six page leaflet was sent along with a small glass pot of jelly beans to act as a sweetener…

Dutton Gregory concerns itself to a great degree with the process of removing problem tenants from a landlord’s property. The second leaflet design was designed to attract new landlord clients onto the Landlord & Tenant department’s books by depicting one such problem tenant…

Dutton Gregory Solicitors leaflet design

Dutton Gregory Solicitors leaflet design & production

Dutton Gregory Solicitors leaflet design & production

Dutton Gregory Solicitors leaflet design & production

Dutton Gregory Solicitors leaflet design

Dutton Gregory leaflet design

Dutton Gregory Solicitors leaflet design

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